John and mary Pickering
Spiritual Recovery directors
After 40 years of alcohol and drug abuse, which lead to 8 years of cocaine addiction, John found himself at the local drug and alcohol treatment center with no hope of a better life.
On December 21st, 2005, at the age of 54, he met Jesus for the fist time and accepted Him as his Savior and Lord. At that moment John was delivered from his old way of life, including his drug and alcohol addiction without any withdrawal. From that moment on, he began his new life in Christ. He regularly shares his story of how Jesus changes lives forever!
He and Mary have been married for eleven years and the Lord has given them many opportunities to share with other alcoholics and addicts the Good News of how Jesus cleanses and changes lives. All the glory belongs to God!
Mary started using drugs and alcohol at the age of 16, she lived that lifestyle for 34 years. One day she realized that she was tired of that way of life, she wanted a new way to live. She started attending church and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Her passion is to reach out to others who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and help them towards freedom through Christ.